
Christmas Fare

David Bates examines a Tudor Christmas Fare at Hampton Court Palace.

Blacks in the Gordon Riots

Marika Sherwood trawls contemporary reports of the anti-Catholic protests that rocked London in June 1780 to reveal the black men and women who took part, exploring their motives and punishments for doing so.

Was it British?

Gavin Weightman finds historical precedents for Britain’s response to the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.

Back in the USSR

The Soviet Union is now history but what do the ordinary people who lived through its last decades remember about it and what verdict do they give? Per Manson presents an intriguing insight.

Crime and Punishment

Richard Bellamy demonstrates the contemporary relevance of an eighteenth-century debate.  

The October Revolution

Graham Darby argues that the Bolshevik success of 1917 was rooted in the failings of the Provisional Government and the aspiration of ordinary people.