
Europe's Muslim Capital

Philip Mansel explores the City of the Sultans from 1453 onwards, and finds it characterised by a vibrant multi-culturalism until the Ottoman demise of 1922.

We Shall Overcome

Peter Ling analyses Martin Luther King's involvement with non-violent protest in the USA. 

The Medusa Shipwreck

British reaction to the French tragedy at sea immortalised in Géricault’s masterpiece The Raft of the Medusa.

The Press and Desacralisation

The essay entitled 'How important was the press in the desacralisation of the French monarchy in 1789?', by Olivia Grant of St Paul's Girls' School, was awarded the Julia Wood Prize out of 136 entries. An edited version appears below; a second award was made to Richard Eschwege of City of London School for an essay on Pope Gregory VII.