
Zola in England

Joanna Richardson describes the two visits of Zola to England. The writer first arrived in 1893 and again, five years later, during the Dreyfus Case.

Trotsky in 1905

Rex Winsbury describes how the attempted Russian Revolution of 1905 was the prologue to greater events in 1917.

This War Must Be Ended

In August 1918, writes John Terraine, the German High Command recognized the signs of defeat but four more fighting months passed before the armistice.

The Old Vic

Since its foundation, writes Ian Bradley, the Old Vic theatre became in turn a drinking den, a temperance hall, and the home of serious ballet and drama.

The English Medieval Windmill

Windmills abounded in England from the twelfth century onwards. Terence Paul Smith describes how their bodies usually revolved on a vertical post so that the miller could face the sails into the wind.

The English in Padua: 1222-1660

Over four centuries the University of Padua attracted a large number of foreign students, writes Alan Haynes, among whom the English were prominent.