
Lost Victorians

John Gardiner searches for the historical moment when our Victorian forebears went missing from the popular consciousness.

The Rise of the Sex Manual

Michael Bush explores the development of sex guides in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and their effect on British society.

Forty Years of the Victorian Society

Rebecca Daniels celebrates the fortieth anniversary of the Victorian Society, which set out in 1958 to save nineteenth-century architectural gems from destruction.

Women Murderers in Victorian Britain

Women as perpetrators of crime, rather than its victims, were figures of especial fascination and loathing in the Victorian popular press. Judith Knelman delves deeper.

Victorian Triumph of an African Chief

When a king from Bechuana visited England in 1890s, he won friends and respect everywhere he went, and his tale cast new light on the interactions between Britain and her empire, as Neil Parsons explains.

The Press

Jeremy Black charts its growth in Victorian Britain.

Victorian Crime

Clive Emsley argues that nineteenth-century perceptions owed more to media-generated panic than to criminal realities.