
Human Robots and Computer Art

Since the myths of creation were composed, writes John Cohen, men have tried to emulate the gods. Is the twentieth-century computer capable of the daemonic urge?

Anaximander of Miletus

Colin Davies describes how, in the sixth century B.C., two philosophers emerged upon the Asian shore of the Aegean Sea to develop the ideas of Thales.

The Gods of the Gaels

Hugh Malet describes how the Druidic gods were regarded by Celts very much as a neighbouring clan, endowed with a particularly powerful magic.

The Praetorian Guard

Geoffrey Powell profiles the Praetorian Guard. This corps d'elite, first established on a permanent footing by Augustus, played a powerful part in the history of imperial Rome.

Police Work in Roman Times

R.W. Davies describes how the legions and their auxiliaries were employed by Roman Governors to maintain law and order in their provinces.