Dissolution of the Templars
Desmond Seward describes the abrupt end of a European military and financial institution.
Desmond Seward describes the abrupt end of a European military and financial institution.
Christopher Sinclair-Stevenson describes the failure of the unfortunate Pretender’s first attempt to invade Scotland.
The English seventeenth century was an Age of Anxiety; Iris Macfarlane describes how Oliver Heywood and other devout spirits sought refuge in religious faith.
C.G. Cruickshank describes how, having captured Tournai, the twenty-two-year-old king indulged his taste for sport and pageantry.
One of the last battles of the English Civil Wars – the Battle of Surbiton – took place in the county of Surrey, a few miles south of London in 1648.
William Seymour introduces Sir John Seymour; an uncle of the King, and a favourite of the late Henry VIII, Somerset had an amiable character not strong enough for perilous mid-Tudor times.
Alan Rogers wonders why Lincoln and its environs is often overlooked as a historic English shire.
Bernard Pool describes how Pepys regarded the Naval shipbuilding programme of 1677 as his greatest administrative achievement.
Leonard W. Cowie traces the development of a peculilarly English legal institution, from the pre-Reformation era, into Dickensian times.
Michael Paffard opens for the visitor Thomas Tusser’s books on husbandry, which expounded the practical virtues of ‘thrift’ to Tudor farmers.