
Edward VI: A New Look at the King and his Reign

Jennifer Loach (whose work has been edited by George Bernard and Penry Williams) goes back to the original sources to show that, despite his image as a pious sickly child, Edward VI was very much his father's son.

The British and the Risorgimento

Was Britain's reputation as the champion of Italian independence really warranted? Giuseppe Garibaldi was undoubtedly popular with Britons, but Peter Clements is sceptical.

Faces of the Century: A Personal Choice

The exhibition 'Faces of the Century', at the National Portrait Gallery, presents the 100 choices of ten leading figures from British politics, art, music, business and media that represent Britain in the 20th century.

Time and Time Again in Java

Revolutions and changes of dynasty seem to have happened with the regularity of clockwork on the island of Java. M.C. Ricklefs investigates.