The Empire Behind the Lines
Michael Broers explores the measures and restrictions imposed by Napoleon on his many subjects and how, within the boundaries of the Empire, they responded to his rule.
Michael Broers explores the measures and restrictions imposed by Napoleon on his many subjects and how, within the boundaries of the Empire, they responded to his rule.
The Spirit of the Age or The Scourge of Nations? Jeremy Black sets the scene for our major series on the impact of Napoleon on Europe.
A.D. Harvey looks at the enduring myth surrounding one of history’s ‘Great Men’, and how he dominated the nineteenth-century imagination outside France.
John Dunne follows historians along the trail signposted by Geyl fifty years ago.
Was Napoleon's escape from his first exile unwittingly aided by his erstwhile opponents from Albion? Katharine MacDonogh weighs up the enigmatic response that certain British citizens showed towards their imperial prisoner.
Janet Hartley discusses the mixed responses of Russia's populations to Napoleon's great gamble on an invasion and the part they played in the eventual French catastrophe.
Philip Mansel pays tribute to the Musée Napoleon Premier.