
The Spanish Inquisition

William Makin investigates an evil organisation, accomplice of a bigoted, racist and corrupt monarchy.

Anglo-Saxons: The Making of England

When did England become England? Was Alfred really the great ruler of all the English - or was it just a question of clever Wessex PR? Patrick Wormald investigates the myths and realities of unification in Anglo-Saxon England.

Bearing the Burden? Puritan Wives

Obedience, modesty, taciturnity – all hallmarks of the archetypal 'good woman' in colonial New England, But did suffering in silence invert tradition and give the weaker sex a new moral authority in the community? Martha Saxton investigates, in the first piece from a mini series examining women's social experience in the New World.

Guilding the Lily

How the Livery companies of London prepare to show they are ready for the millennium