
'Picture Shows': The Early British Film Industry in Walthamstow

The unlikely setting of the East London suburb of Walthamstow was a centre for the infant British cinema industry at the turn of the century. Margaret O'Brien and Julia Holland chart its course, aided by interviews with and recollections of local people, many of whom were involved as 'extras' in the early silent films.

Medieval Christmas

Existing elements of pagan midwinter rites fused with the developing theology of Christmas in an appeal to the senses of both sacred and lay.

Thoughts on Treasure Houses

Peter Stansky takes a look at the increasing number of houses either privately owned or owned by the National Trust being opened to the public.

Indian Labour in British Guiana

Emancipation in British Guiana brought an influx of indentured labourers from India, whose working and living conditions were destructive of caste and culture, and often as harsh as those of the slaves they replaced.