History Today

Makers of the Twentieth Century: Gandhi

Gandhi's lasting significance lies, perhaps, not so much in what he actually did, but what he stood for.... Men like him may be done to death, but their message is not silenced in the making of this century.

The Trials and Death of Jesus

With this article Dr. J.K. Elliott concludes his series on the role of historical fact and prophetic tradition in the accounts of the life of Christ as recorded in the Gospels.

Guadeloupe 1799-1803: A Haiti Manque

After the French Revolution, the colony of Guadeloupe experienced many upheavals and was, for much of the time, virtually independent. Nevertheless it kept the French flag flying against both Americans and British, its garrison deriving much strength from its newly-freed slaves. When Napoleon came to power, the black population revolted the Black Consul’s racist policies. H.J.K. Jenkins retells the story.

Indochina in Turmoil

Vietnam's expansionism in Indochina during the 1970s had its roots in its pre-colonial past, argues Milton Osborne.