Vienna in the Year of Revolutions
Stella Musulin describes how, in 1848, even the Austrian capital was stirred by the turmoils of reform.
Stella Musulin describes how, in 1848, even the Austrian capital was stirred by the turmoils of reform.
Kenneth Johnstone traces Romania's development, from the Crimean War to independence and enlargement.
Alan Haynes describes how, menaced by the Turks, the Emperor Manuel sought western help on his visits to Italy, France and England.
Geoffrey Treasure describes how, at the height of the monarchy’s crisis in 1648-9, the Court party made mistakes that were fortunately matched by the follies of their opponents.
Geoffrey Treasure describes how a seventeenth century conflict between the French Crown and Parlement represented a protest against the increasing absolutism of royal Ministers.
Minna F. Weinstein profiles the last Queen of Henry VIII; a Protestant of learning who helped to determine the religious future of England.
Joanna Richardson introduces the creator of the popular press in France and a supreme example of the self-made man.
Stanley H. Palmer offers an historical answer to increasing homicide in Boston, New York and Chicago.
Richard Davis describes how, though the supreme propagandist of Irish nationalists and separatists, in the Rising itself Griffith played no active part.
Wallace Brown describes how, during the decades before the Civil War, the United States abounded in religious reformers and perfectionists.