
Following in Henry VIII's Footsteps?

Would a new Act in Restraint of Appeals such as Henry VIII enacted against Rome in 1533 achieve a similar objective for Eurosceptics today of ‘repatriating powers’ from the EU? asks Stephen Cooper.

Learning to be a Tudor

Thomas Penn examines M.J. Tucker’s article on the court of Henry VII, first published in History Today in 1969.

All the King’s Fools

The fools of the early Tudor court were likely to have been people with learning disabilities as a new project demonstrates, says Suzannah Lipscomb.

Lady Mary Seymour: An Unfit Traveller

What became of the baby daughter of Henry VIII's widow Katherine Parr and her disgraced fourth husband Thomas Seymour after their deaths? Linda Porter unravels a Tudor mystery.

The Turkey Merchants

The great trading companies that originated in early modern Europe are often seen as pioneers of western imperialism. The Levant Company was different, argues James Mather.

Margaret of Burgundy

Richard Hughes asks whether the ‘Diabolical Duchess’ was in reality another Tudor victim.