An Uneasy Propaganda Alliance
The doomed film collaboration between Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan resulted in two very different features serving the same fascist agenda: The Daughter of the Samurai and The New Earth.
The doomed film collaboration between Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan resulted in two very different features serving the same fascist agenda: The Daughter of the Samurai and The New Earth.
In 1920 the English writer Jerome K. Jerome set out the arguments in favour of Irish home rule.
The Price of Victory: A Naval History of Britain: 1815-1945 by N.A.M. Rodger looks above decks for the story of the modern Royal Navy.
Political reputations are forged by actions, but the long view of history can be hard to predict.
Rosemary Wakeman’s The Worlds of Victor Sassoon: Bombay, London, Shanghai, 1918-1941 is a tale of three cities linked by globalisation and a singular global citizen.
On 16 January 1926, the BBC broke the news that a murderous mob was storming the capital. Broadcasting the Barricades wasn’t supposed to be a hoax, but it was an effective one.
For much of the 20th century, young working-class women in England found out about procreation the ‘hard way’ or the ‘dirty way’.
An attempt to prosecute German war criminals in 1921 failed to such an extent that the entire enterprise is largely forgotten. What went wrong?
Unconventional and provocative, did the Dada artist sometimes known as Arthur Cravan save his boldest work for last?
The First World War revealed the bad state of Britain’s teeth. Intervention was required to keep the nation biting fit.