The Great Train Crash of 1868
Robert Hume investigates the first major railway disaster in Britain, which took the lives of over thirty people in a collision in North Wales.
Robert Hume investigates the first major railway disaster in Britain, which took the lives of over thirty people in a collision in North Wales.
O.H. Creighton examines the many and varied reasons behind the siting of Norman castles, and considers their decisive effect on the cultural landscape of Britain.
Robin Evans puts Henry Tudor's victory into Welsh historical perspective.
The son and heir of Henry VII died on 2 April 1502.
Geraint H. Jenkins examines the vicissitudes of modern Welsh history.
Robin Evans shows that the neglect of the history of Wales, and of other small nations, impoverishes our historical understanding.
Martin Johnes and Iain McLean examine the political aftermath of the Aberfan disaster.
Kenneth O. Morgan contrasts the differing historical roots of devolution in Scotland and Wales, and argues that the two nations may be on the verge of a renaissance
Ann Hills discovers a feast of Welsh flowers amid the history of a working-class town
Felix Barker keeps an open mind about speculation on the burial place of King Arthur.