The Long Fight for Liberty
Maroon freedom fighters on two Caribbean islands helped hasten the abolition of slavery.
Maroon freedom fighters on two Caribbean islands helped hasten the abolition of slavery.
What did the indigenous people of the Americas think of Christopher Columbus?
The Lord Protector’s move on Jamaica transformed Britain’s early empire.
Amid the instability of post-revolutionary Haiti, torn between Britain and France, Henry Christophe rose from lowly roots to become its ruler. Paul Clammer remembers his vital role in shaping a new kingdom.
Simon Harcourt-Smith describes how the Americas were plagued by Yellow Fever, borne by mosquitoes from the seventeenth century until the early twentieth.
In the stormy history of the island of Hispaniola, where Columbus was buried, American intervention has followed upon Spanish, French and British. A survey of the scene since 1492.
During the aftermath of the French Revolution, writes C.E. Hamshere, a prosperous state arose in Haiti under the leadership of a powerful and gifted ruler.
Jamaica, writes Morris Cargill, has been a British possession since the times of Cromwell.
Born in the West Indies; Secretary of State in the Confederate Government, Benjamin ended his career as a successful barrister in London. By Charles Curran.
H.J.K. Jenkins profiles a dictator and liberator in the West Indies under the first French Republic.