Juan Perón Overthrown
Following his re-election in 1952, Juan Peron was overthrown on September 19th, 1955.
Following his re-election in 1952, Juan Peron was overthrown on September 19th, 1955.
Bartholomew's Fair, which dates back to the 12th century, was held for the last time on September 3rd, 1855.
Clive Foss looks at the way in which Kemal Atatürk rewrote history as part of his radical modernization of the Turkish nation.
Archaeologist Miles Russell describes recent discoveries which overturn accepted views about the Roman invasion of Britain.
Richard Almond deciphers the meaning of a set of illuminations illustrating an unusual Book of Hours made in Germany around the year 1500.
The Guinness Book of Records was first published on August 27th, 1955.
Max Adams investigates the truth behind the introduction of a key invention of the early Industrial Revolution.
Archaeologist Chris Scarre finds fascination in discovering the past by examining its material remains.
Looking back on the sixtieth anniversary of the surrender of Japan, Rana Mitter finds the political background to the demonstrations in China against Japanese history textbooks are full of complexities.
As thousands of pupils prepare for their exam results, Richard Willis describes the origins of school examinations in England.