‘Reckonings’ by Mary Fulbrook review
Reckonings: Legacies of Nazi Persecution and the Quest for Justice by Mary Fulbrook is a long and detailed challenge to the modern cult of memory.
Reckonings: Legacies of Nazi Persecution and the Quest for Justice by Mary Fulbrook is a long and detailed challenge to the modern cult of memory.
India’s decision to decriminalise homosexuality is presented as the country shaking off the last vestiges of colonialism. The reality is not so simple.
The buildings that came out of Portugal’s New State were described as an ‘architectural lie’.
We like historical films to be factually accurate, but we also like them to reflect our sensibilities.
The question of the responsibility of the ‘everyman’ and ‘everywoman’ remains a pressing one in Heimat: A German Family Album by Nora Krug.
Africa has been global for millennia, but its history is too often eclipsed by narratives that focus on slavery and its abolition.
In Victorian Britain, attitudes towards race, gender, disability and Empire were all to be found in the popular ‘freak shows’.
At the centre of a war-shattered Europe, Vienna was divided between the victorious Allied powers. Restoring civil society proved a major challenge.
From the pit to Pythagoras, the self-made man rose to the top of the mathematical world and divided it in two.
The Thai-Burma railway was built by prisoners of war in appalling conditions. The dead were treated with a dignity denied to the living.