Volume 69 Issue 1 January 2019

The Origin of Falafel

The staple dish of the Middle East is as contested as the region, with different peoples claiming falafel’s origins as their own.


A mythological creature of extraordinary resilience.

Trump and Lincoln: The Great Protectionists?

Many historical analogies have been drawn to explain the Trump phenomenon. Though few have compared him to Abraham Lincoln, both promised to shape an economy that benefited white working men. 

America: the Last Empire

At the beginning of the 20th century, there were 16 empires of varying size and reach. At the end of the century, there was just one: the United States. How did this happen and what role did Britain play in smoothing America’s path to global hegemony?

Saving Mexico from the Devil

The Conquest of Mexico was justified by the Spanish as an evil necessary to save a people who practised human sacrifice and worshipped false gods.