Volume 69 Issue 1 January 2019

Hoes before Bros

Venetian officials sought to stem a ‘plague’ of sodomy by promoting the heterosexual sex trade.

The DNA of Rosalind Franklin

Though denied credit Rosalind Franklin’s work on the molecular structure of DNA was pivotal to Watson and Crick’s discovery of the double helix.

‘These Truths’ by Jill Lepore review

These Truths: a History of the United States by Jill Lepore is a reminder of how tenaciously previous generations have clung to the view that the country is the ‘last, best hope of earth’.

On the Spot: Michael Scott

‘The most common misconception about my field is that classicists study a past that no longer impacts on our world today.’

Belligerent Brits

Germany is the country most closely associated with militarism, but Britain has had its militarist moments, too.