Justice, at What Cost?
As today, accusations of rape in 19th-century America inevitably, and repeatedly, met with harsh backlashes against the victims.
As today, accusations of rape in 19th-century America inevitably, and repeatedly, met with harsh backlashes against the victims.
When it comes to rapid world-changing events, the Meiji Restoration has few equals.
The voice of the British monarch carried considerable weight in imperial India. Its slow silencing mirrored the retreat of Britain from the subcontinent.
‘The greatest good for the greatest number’ flounders when society cannot agree on what is ‘good’ – or ‘bad’.
A readable history of the Portuguese capital emphasises the modern at the expense of the city’s deeper past.
Mikhail Gorbachev’s Perestroika triggered an outpouring of resentment across the USSR. In 1986, young Kazakhs made their voices heard, but the Soviet regime was not ready to listen.
The women’s suffrage movement was global, but racial inequality often undermined the notion of universal sisterhood.
Female volunteers such as Marie Schmolka played a decisive role in the collaborative project to rescue beleaguered Jewish children.