Volume 68 Issue 10 October 2018

A New Peru

The rise and fall of José Luis Bustamante’s left-wing presidency.

Wolsey’s Own Accord

Projects for a peaceful Europe go back centuries. Occasionally, they succeed – for a while at least.

Divided Loyalties in Tudor England

For the lesser-known members of the great Tudor dynasties, loyalties were divided by Henry VIII’s Great Matter. Should you support your king, queen or family?

Kut Losses

Two imperial ventures, in the same Middle East town a century apart, reveal the similarities – and differences – in the exercise of power.

Lies, Damn Lies and Bohemians

The modern belief that the Middle Ages was a time of ignorance and superstition means that we often end up believing fantastic stories, too, as the tale of a Czech preacher and his emperor demonstrates.

Lord Liverpool, Eurosceptic

The prime minister at the time of Napoleon’s defeat was a keen observer of European politics. His government sought a balance of power on the Continent, but with minimal British engagement.