Mathew Lyons

Death of a Master Forger

John Payne Collier died on 17 September 1883, after a lifetime of creating deliberate fictions, falsehoods and forgeries.

The Face of Beatrice Cenci

The painting that inspired Shelley and Stendahl is thought to be of a young woman executed on 11 September 1599 for the murder of her father.

The First Live-Streaming

The théâtrophone premiered in Paris, at the International Exposition of Electricity, on 11 August 1881.

Defenestration in Prague

Following the death by burning of Czech Wycliffite Jan Hus in 1415, Jan Zelivsk preached in Prague New Town on 30 July 1419.

A Woman Runs for President

Victoria Claflin Woodhull was ratified as the Equal Rights Party’s candidate for the presidency on 6 June 1872.

A Musical Riot

Igor Stravinsky’s ‘shockingly contemporary’ The Rite of Spring ​​​​premiered on 29 May 1913.