The Fate of Phaeton
A horrifying tale of reckless daring and ecological catastrophe.
A horrifying tale of reckless daring and ecological catastrophe.
‘What is the most common misconception about my field? That it is ‘great man’ history.’
A Bodhisattva is a compassionate Buddhist deity who walks among us.
‘People don't learn from others’ mistakes. We have a need to make our own.’
All the winners from this year's awards ceremony.
The myth of Narcissus is a cautionary Classical story of solipsism and self-obsession.
‘What will future generations judge us most harshly for? That we allowed Donald Trump to violate the US constitution.’
‘The generalship at the top in the First World War was as bad as Liddell Hart said it was’.
Man and god seek love and unity in one of the most celebrated Hindu myths.
The six titles on the shortlist for our annual book prize.