History Today

1926: Social Costs of the Mining Dispute

In 1926 the mining dispute led to the General Strike. Chris Wrigley writes how the memory of the hardship of those months has left a permanent legacy of bitterness in industrial relations in the coal industry.


Roger Lockyer makes a plea for a greater emphasis on the study of the history of our culture.


A.I. Macinnes on the support for the exiled Stewart dynasty after the Glorious Revolution of William III.

Russian Intelligentsia and the Bolshevik Revolution

In the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 there was a battle for the mind of the new Soviet man with artists and intellectuals engaged in the struggle between the old Tsarist and the new Soviet culture.

Colonel Blimp's England

David Low, the cartoonist, met Horatio Blimp, a retired Colonel, in a Turkish bath near Charing Cross in the early 1930s. Many agree with C.S. Lewis that Colonel Blimp was 'the most characteristic expression of the English temper in the period between the two wars.'