History Today

Christmas in 19th Century America

Before the mid-1800s many Americans did not dream of Christmas at all. Penne Restad tells how and why this changed – and played its role in uniting the US in social cohesion.

Town Docks Museum, Hull

Richard Cavendish trawls through the exhibits to examine the legacy of the city's whaling and fishing industry.

Adolf Maps It Out

German Aerial Reconnaissance Photography of London and the Home Counties, 1939-1942.

All Quiet on the Western Front

Modris Eksteins on how the Hollywood treatment of Erich von Remarque's book describing the Great War 'from the other side' impacted on a Europe traumatised by slaughter and fearful of its future repetition.

Culture Under the Great Dictators, 1930-45

Painting, sculpture, photography, poster art, architecture, pageant - all were used by the totalitarian regimes in the 1930s. We review a selection of the images from the Hayward Gallery exhibition.