History Today

The Myth of Iona

The island of lona became the centre of Celtic Christianity in Scotland with the arrival of St. Columba in 563. Yet the monuments remaining there, argues Ruth Hildebrandt, are representative of another age and do not reflect the beliefs or practices of the Columban church.

Cook, Darwin and Coral Reefs

Our understanding of coral and coral reefs, believes C.M. Yonge, was greatly advanced by the voyages of Cook and Darwin to the South Pacific.

The Maoris in New Zealand History

When the British and Maori signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, Governor Hobson declared: 'We are one people'. Today, as Professor Keith Sinclair shows, this hope has still to be realised.

Makers of the Twentieth Century: Hitler

Hitler's contribution to the history of the twentieth century has been one of destruction. The war he started in 1939, argues Jeremy Noakes, was to recast the pattern of our world irreparably.

The Essex County Record Office

Much of the research that has established social history as a serious branch of historical study has been carried out in County Record Offices explains J.A. Sharpe, of which Essex is an outstanding example.

Ightham Mote: The House and its Buildings

The word 'monument' contains two ideas: 'commemoration' and 'survival'. Historic buildings of all ages commemorate the past because they are as integral a part of it as are written documents, which are sometimes described as 'monuments' in their own right.