How Does History Judge Prime Ministers?
Political reputations are forged by actions, but the long view of history can be hard to predict.
Political reputations are forged by actions, but the long view of history can be hard to predict.
Britain’s Second World War Conservatives and their utopian dream of world government.
Despite a lack of style or personality, W.N. Medlicott argues, Neville Chamberlain overcame his unique capacity for being misunderstood to achieve a record of consistency.
Nick Smart scrutinises Chamberlain's foreign policy and the historiography of appeasement.
Peter Neville says that Bush and Blair failed to draw the proper lessons from Munich 1938 when they raised the spectre of Chamberlain and appeasement to justify their war against Saddam.
Susan Pedersen introduces Eleanor Rathbone who devoted her career as a politician and social reformer during the turbulent interwar years to improving the lot of women and refugees.
Tony Corfield offers a provocative new interpretation of the events that brought Churchill to power in the spring of 1940.
Frank McDonough reviews the debate over Neville Chamberlain's appeasement policy.
Douglas Johnson compares and contrasts the downfalls of Neville Chamberlain and Margaret Thatcher.