The Survival of the Nefarious Slave Trade
British traders in enslaved Africans found ways around the Slave Trade Act of 1807, while commerce flourished through the import of slave-grown cotton.
British traders in enslaved Africans found ways around the Slave Trade Act of 1807, while commerce flourished through the import of slave-grown cotton.
Marika Sherwood reveals the state of our knowledge – and ignorance – about a period of our multi-racial past.
Marika Sherwood looks at the history of racist attacks in Britain, following the criticism of police handling of the murder of black teenager Stephen Lawrence in 1993.
Robin BlackburnGeneral History of the Caribean, volume III: The slave Societies of the Caribbean.Franklin W. KnightThe Slave Trade. The History of the Atlantic Slave Trade 1440-1870Hugh Thomas
Marika Sherwood trawls contemporary reports of the anti-Catholic protests that rocked London in June 1780 to reveal the black men and women who took part, exploring their motives and punishments for doing so.
Marika Sherwood on race and exploitation at sea.