China and the Amur Provinces
After many negotiations and much pressure, the Russians acquired from China the Amur Provinces of Eastern Siberia.
After many negotiations and much pressure, the Russians acquired from China the Amur Provinces of Eastern Siberia.
Elizabeth Wiskemann describes how Hitler ruthlessly consolidated his power in Germany by the slaughter of some of his closest former colleagues.
The problems of the interwar mining industry, which led to a General Strike in 1926, writes W.H. Chaloner, epitomized the struggle between capital and labour in twentieth-century Britain.
During over half a century, writes W.J. Fishman, Blanqui virtually personified the revolutionary movement in nineteenth-century France.
The problems of the mining industry, which led to a General Strike in 1926, writes W.H. Chaloner, epitomised the struggle between capital and labour in twentieth century Britain.
P.W. Kingsford tells the story of a Regency buck, who became a Parliamentary champion of the depressed classes in early nineteenth-century England.
From the time when the Dutch flag was first planted there in 1652, C.R. Boxer describes how the Cape became the maritime half-way house between Europe and Asia.