The Ulster Heritage
Peter Furtado finds out how hundreds of local historical initiatives are changing the political and cultural climate of Northern Ireland.
Peter Furtado finds out how hundreds of local historical initiatives are changing the political and cultural climate of Northern Ireland.
The ‘voice of history’ was heard loud and clear when the Historical Association, was awarded the prestigious Longman History Today Trustees Award early in January at a party hosted by History Today at the National Army Museum. Adam Tooze of Jesus College, Cambridge, won the Book of the Year Award for his wide-ranging economic history of the Nazi years in Germany, The Wages of Destruction at the same event.
The coincidence, or otherwise, of memory and history has been a fruitful field for study for several years now, and one that has proved to be fraught with controversy and alarm.
The artist, scientist, botanist, anatomist, engineer, inventor and all-round genius Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) used paper in a unique way.
Peter Furtado on one of the most traumatic places in British military history.
Editor Peter Furtado explains our current series on cartoons and its relevance today.
Peter Furtado reports on the awards for 2005 given by History Today.
Peter Furtado introduces the man closer to Winston Churchill than any other.
Peter Furtado announces the winners of the 2005 Longman-History Today Awards.
Peter Furtado introduces the series.