Longman-History Today Awards 2010: The Winners

A groundbreaking project that points the way to the future of the discipline was recognised at our annual celebration of excellence in history.

The Longman-History Today Trustees Award was given to Tim Hitchcock and Robert Shoemaker, creators of the digital projects Old Bailey Online and London Lives. The award recognises a person or organisation that has made a major contribution to history. Professor Hitchcock of the University of Hertfordshire and Professor Shoemaker of the University of Sheffield have made an unparalleled impact on the way that history can be researched, taught in universities and enjoyed by the general public. Old Bailey Online is a monumental database containing the records of tens of thousands of trials which took place from 1674 to 1834. Previously such detailed information could only be retrieved through painstaking reading in a handful of libraries, requiring months or even years of research. Thanks to Hitchcock and Shoemaker, it can now be called up in seconds anywhere in the world.

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