When Nostalgia Was Deadly
When it was first named in 17th-century Switzerland, nostalgia was a very real – and very dangerous – disease.
When it was first named in 17th-century Switzerland, nostalgia was a very real – and very dangerous – disease.
Confinement: The Hidden History of Maternal Bodies in Nineteenth-Century Britain by Jessica Cox looks at the engine of the Victorian population boom: motherhood.
Throughout the 19th century, rival nations battled to conquer the poles. One explorer set out to establish an Arctic colony – or to get rich trying.
The role of patients and professionals in the definition and treatment of schizophrenia.
In the 1950s Mills & Boon’s medical romances helped make the NHS more appealing to an ambivalent British public.
What do attitudes towards fatigue reveal about morality and illness?
Breastfeeding, corsets and ageing: the mysterious dangers of womanhood.