The Student Page
From gladiators in Ancient Rome to the twentieth century, browse below to find a selection of our most popular articles for schools and colleges across the world.
Published in History Review and History Today, this list also includes articles on essay writing skills, exam techniques and other tips.
While the articles are aimed at students on courses in the UK, and may be outdated, there is still much that is relevant for any student of history. However, it's important to bear in mind that the opinions expressed won't necessarily correspond to the best practice for your own syllabus.
We also offer institutional access to the History Today online archive.
Gladiatorial shows turned war into a game, preserved an atmosphere of violence in time of peace, and functioned as a political theatre which allowed confrontation between rulers and ruled.
The best-loved of Britain's novelists penned a tale that struck a potent chord in the popular revival of the season of goodwill. Geoffrey Rowell explains its appeal and its powerful religious and social overtones.
The United States battleship was blown up in an explosion during Cuba's uprising against Spain. What caused the explosion and who was responsible?
On 24 October 1648, the Treaty of Westphalia was signed, marking the end of the Thirty Years' War.
Napoleon Bonaparte took power in France on November 9th/10th 1799, but how did his rise overthrow the revolution?
Essays are no longer the be-all and end-all of history assessment; but the ability to write a good essay is still vital. Robert Pearce gives some advice.
The Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Alliance, the first between a European country and an Asiatic power against a Western rival, was signed on 30 January 1902.
The traditional date for the founding of Rome is April 21st, 753 BC.
The treaty to bring parts of present-day Arizona and New Mexico into the United States was signed on December 30th, 1853.
Michael Lynch takes a fresh look at the key reform of 19th-century Russia – the end of Serfdom.
About 200 people died and 800 were wounded during the march led by Father George Gapon on 22 January 1905.
Tim Benson, founder of the Political Cartoon Society, introduces his ten favourite cartoons published in Britain.
The Oxford Martyrs were killed on 16 October 1555.
Richard Cavendish describes how British prisoners were held captive by the army of the Nawab of Bengal, for one night, in the 'black hole' of Fort William in Calcutta.
The agreement permitting Germany’s annexation of the Sudetenland was signed on 29 September 1938.
Richard Hughes lends us the benefit of his expertise.
Andrew Boxer traces the assimilation policies, indigenous rights, and the changing relationship between the US government and Native Americans.
Ben Sandell provides a series of tips on how to gain the best grade.
Robert Pearce, the editor of History Review, responds to common questions.
The former editor of History Review Robert Pearce gives his personal view.