Garibaldi’s Englishman: The Story of Colonel John Peard
W. Baring Pemberton introduces the most intrepid of the Italian Liberator's English volunteers.
As the centenary of the Unification of Italy approaches, thoughts both there and in Britain will be turning to those men who helped to bring about that long and eagerly awaited achievement.
Much will be said of Mazzini, who founded the Young Italy secret society, more of Cavour, who directed the movement, but he who will deservedly be honoured most will be Guiseppi Garibaldi, whose inspiration, leadership and daring completed the work when Louis Napoleon withdrew from the fight and Cavour hesitated.
In these celebrations some thought should be spared for that small band of Englishmen who, actuated partly by love of adventure, partly by hatred of oppression, were willing to exchange the solid comforts of mid-Victorian England for the dangers and hardships of a cause entirely unconnected with their own country.