From the Archives: Lloyd George & Churchill
Lord Beaverbrook’s close acquaintance with the two War Leaders began in 1911; his reflections on them had not been published in full before this August 1973 article. With introduction by A.J.P. Taylor.
Lord Beaverbrook was an assiduous writer of history in his old age. Towards the end of his life he projected two further volumes, The Age of Baldwin and Churchill’s Victory. Little was written of the first and nothing of the second except a few fragments and the essay below. Beaverbrook presumably designed this as a sort of introduction to the story of Churchill in power. Beaverbrook did not believe in wasting material and used some passages about Lloyd George from this essay in his last book, The Decline and Fall of Lloyd George. I objected that they interfered with the flow of the narrative. Beaverbrook agreed to cut them out. However he cheated me by putting them into Appendix 63 of his book where the curious reader can find them. I think they are more suited to their original place.